The SagePresence


Unconventional Insights for Extraordinary Results

Explore our library of ideas for tackling communication challenges and our perspectives on professional presence to keep you and your team at the top of your game.

Presenting it Right the FIRST Time
Have you ever stressed out over a presentation that just had to be right? That sort of success can be...
From Self Conscious to Image Conscious
There’s a direct relationship between the struggles of self-consciousness, and the differentiating benefits...
How to Give Advice, Part 2
As a leader, you sometimes need to communicate with someone else that you don’t have authority over on...
How To Give Advice - Part 1
It can be tough for leaders to advise members of their team, because they can accidentally create too...
Community Conversations - EP 5 Guest: Yolanda Baber
Welcome to the next episode of SagePresence’s series Community Conversations with Troy Parkinson....
Why Your Sales Presentation Lost to Your Competitor
You worked hard to prepare a great presentation, but all it did was convince the prospect to stay with...
The Definition of Success for Your Firm
Professional service firms in general — and architectural / engineering – construction firms in...
Last Minute Help For Your Presentation
Sometimes you have a lot of time to prepare, sometimes you are in a pinch! Dean offers some ideas on...
1-On-1 Conversations For BD Leaders
One of the jobs of a Business Development Leader is to be a coach for each team member you want to take...
How Thinkers Can Become Better Relaters - A Replay
We all have our communication tendencies and defaults that work for us in some way, but that cause problems...
Balance Vs Centeredness - A Replay
Balance and centeredness can sound like the same thing, but there’s a meaningful difference. In...
How BD Leaders Can Influence Senior Leadership
Some BD Leaders can be stuck between a rock and a hard place because they are responsible for the team’s...

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