To Script, Or Not To Script

It’s really not the question. Don’t script. It’s hard to accept this because you want to control the result, and everyone has their opinion about what you should say. Dean has a solution for you: The sweet spot between scripting and winging it.

Check Dean’s post out here, and if you want help with your next shareholder’s presentation or leadership speech, take a look at our support service here.

How to Sell to Anybody

When you’re pitching a service to decision-makers, the most common thing to do is put together a whole lot of information about yourself and your history, and then dump it out to your audience. But this leaves out the single most important aspect of selling, the thing that many of us are not inclined to go.

In today’s post, Pete discusses this dimension of selling in a truly simple way that can forever shift how you approach your presentations.

Click here for more on how SagePresence can help your team present to your prospects.

Escaping the Apples-to-Apples Comparison

Competitive sales pitches often involve restrictive formats that hinder differentiation. In this post, Dean shares three strategies to break the pattern and showcase your unique value, even when faced with an apples-to-apples comparison.

Check out our interview support here for more ways to help your team show value, and to gain the Presence Advantage for your next interview.

Short-Circuiting Fear of Rejection

Most of us hate the idea of rejection, and when we face the prospect of an interview to win a project, that visceral emotion can get in the way of the confidence we want to project.

But what if we’re thinking about the whole experience wrong? What if we can short-circuit this fear just by thinking differently? In today’s post, Pete shares a perspective that might help you do just that.

Click here to learn more about how we can help your interview team replace their presentation nerves with confident presence.

Transform Your Anxiety

There’s a lot of chatter these days about anxiety and the problems it can create for so many of us. In today’s post, Pete shares his story about anxiety, and about what he’s done over his career to get rid of its debilitating effects.

Learn more here about how we can help your team transform anxiety to confident presence.

Radical Transformation for Presenting Power

Need to become the kind of speaker who can blow the roof off the place, but only have a day to get there? Most skills take months to evolve into, but if you’re a new CEO or a leader transitioning into a place of higher visibility, you might need that to happen faster. How about 1 day to transform your skills? Dean implements Radical Transformation of Speaking Skills and Executive Presence, and wants to help you jump to your next level NOW, with practice techniques to sustain that higher level for years to come.

Click here to take the first step into your executive presence.

A Window to Establish Leadership Presence

When leadership transitions, there’s a short window of time to establish yourself as a powerful leader. The shareholder meeting is one of the best places to step up and be recognized as a leader with vision. Having coached CEO’s who landed a little flat with their presenting prowess, Dean shares how to leverage a shareholders meeting as prime time to step up and make your presence known.

For more Executive Leadership support, click here.

Fear of Sounding Dumb

One of the most common fears that keep people from presenting well – and from presenting at all – is a fear of sounding dumb to their audience. They imagine their audience is judging them harshly, and the whole thing is a trap.

But what if it’s all in their heads? What if a huge part of presenting well is in your mindset? In today’s post, Pete focuses on this simple concept.

For more ways that we can help you and your team present successfully, check out our support services here.

Hi-Speed Growth For Introverts

One of the worst pieces of news an introvert can get is that they have to participate in a presentation or an interview to win work. They’d be happy to do the work, but the anxiety around presentation is so high, they do their best to avoid thinking about it. Then all of a sudden, they find themselves being forced to practice in front of their peers, and they’re miserable.

In today’s post, Pete shares a few things that introverts can do independently to avoid that misery and take the first step toward presentation confidence.

For further steps towards confidence, check out our support services here.

Now is Not the Time to Hold Back

Today’s AEC firms are grappling with slowdown in new projects to bid on, and facing difficult decisions. In our latest vlog, Dean explores the importance of investing in success, and going the extra mile to secure the vital, fewer projects you get a chance to interview for.

Click here to discover how elevating your interview preparation can help you articulate your value, and present a head above the competition.