True Leaders Don’t Need to Keep You Down

Some people make a habit of pointing out your mistakes, flaws, and overdue assignments, keeping you on the defensive through a steady stream of negative implications. Dean Hyers shares why true leaders don’t do that, and how to deal with those who do. 

The Cadence of Conversation

The job of a technical person isn’t just about doing their technical work, it’s also got to be about communication. But those two jobs use two very different muscles, and if you don’t use a muscle much, it won’t get stronger. In this vlog post, Pete zeroes in on one particular muscle technical people need to go out of their way to exercise.

Countering Panic

Panic can be triggered in the moments just before a speech or sales pitch. It is an intense emotional experience that shows on your face, triggers hesitation, and shrinks the breadth of your thoughts and options. Snap out of the tunnel vision by practicing two feelings until you can flip them on like a switch. 

What Authenticity Really Means

Some folks out there equate “authenticity” with “just saying what you feel” or speaking without a filter. But Pete believes it’s much deeper than that. Check out his latest post to hear where he’s coming from on the topic, then chime in below with your perspective.

The Feeling of Presenting

Is what holds you back from great speaking — or speaking at all — the way it makes you feel? The “presenting feeling” starts before you do, and cascades to interfere with your ability to think and be natural. This vlog brings a simple life-hack to change that. Wouldn’t it be great if you could feel great when you present? This vlog is a must view for anyone who wants to feel great, present great, and have more fun succeeding and making a difference. 

How to Talk About Opportunity

“Opportunity” has historically been a concept that often creates bland stories. But we recently found a way to incorporate it powerfully into compelling stories that work.

Fostering Your Team Into Better Presenters

Effective presentations are valuable to your team in countless ways. In today’s post, Pete lays out a few ways that you can foster your team members into better presenters.

Light a Fire Under Your Presentation

Are your presentations ‘human enough?’ Are they reaching the people-side and not just the business side? In a world of buzz words and business points, Dean returns to the campfire for a basic lesson in making your message more human — through “campfire storytelling.” 

Asking Good Questions as a Leader

As a leader, you almost certainly have people coming to you all the time with requests and suggestions. But the folks who report to you may not be the best communicators, and as a result, their ideas could be undersold by their words. At this point, it’s your job to give the idea the respect and thoughtfulness it deserves by asking good questions. In this post, Pete shares his thoughts about where to look to find those good questions.

Your Presence Partner

This week, Dean changes things up with a question for you about a trial balloon we are floating.