Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer volutpat lacus arcu, id mattis sapien vulputate a. Donec venenatis rhoncus mattis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer volutpat lacus arcu, id mattis sapien vulputate a. Donec venenatis rhoncus mattis. Quisque posuere tortor lorem, sit amet luctus lorem ultricies sit amet. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer volutpat lacus arcu, id mattis sapien vulputate a. Donec venenatis rhoncus mattis. Quisque posuere tortor lorem, sit amet luctus lorem ultricies sit amet.

One aspect of authenticity is not just talking the talk, but walking the walk.

We recognize that we can’t teach other people to challenge themselves to take risks and grow if we don’t do this ourselves.

The world is constantly changing.

And it’s now changing faster than ever. In order to keep up with it, we need to constantly grow and learn. While SagePresence is based on foundational human truths that stand the test of time, we are constantly evolving our approach and application as we learn more about what people are experiencing.

We understand business.

We started with our feet solidly in the artistic world of film, and have expanded far beyond, cultivating a deep understanding of the professional world and its very real challenges.

Appreciation is a sublime and flexible tool.

This allows us to stay grounded in the face of uncertainty and stress, and to form foundational relationships with others who represent challenging perspectives. We are consistently teaching people how to actively and consciously employ appreciation to pursue their goals, and we do the same for ourselves both in and outside of our presentation coaching and interview training sessions.

Seriously playful.

Filmmaking—like all art—is best taken with some degree of lightness and play. Business naturally pulls us all in a direction of seriousness. We marry these two approaches as we work, bringing a commitment to valuing the whole human experience.

Endless ripples

We believe our work isn’t just for firms seeking to grow their business or individual contributors who want to get better at their jobs. This work is designed to inspire others to operate in their lives in a way that positively impacts the people around them—prospects, clients, coworkers, friends and family. We believe that impact continues to ripple outwards as those people interact with still others, and on and on.