BD Engagement Roundtable

BD Engagement Roundtable

BD Engagement Roundtable

About this event

A roundtable discussion exclusively for Architectural / Engineering / Construction firm leaders who are directly responsible for the Business Development results of their team.

In this “closed-door” conversation, we discuss best practices to increase effective team engagement in your business development process. Facilitated by SagePresence cofounder Pete Machalek, participants compare notes about the challenges they face in maximizing team engaging and instituting a truly firmwide culture of business development.

Our goal for each participant is to have you walk away with at least one new idea to test out with your team. And the bonus benefit is in connecting with peers who share your goals and challenges.

We ask that each participant come to the conversation with at least one question / challenge / concern about increasing BD engagement.

Seats are limited. Register to qualify for participation.

Event Details