The Energy of YES

Are you a Yes person or a No person? In his latest post, Pete explores how your inner dialogue can affect your impact on everyone in your life.

Click here for more insight on how we can help.

Nailing Your ‘Call To Action’

You’ve made your presentation and inspired people along the way. You got them on the line, but did you reel them in? Inspiring people is one thing, but it’s not enough if they don’t take the action you’re looking for. In today’s post, Dean shows you how to set up the Call To Action as a powerful step forward that your audience wants to make. 

To learn more about our sales presentation support options, click here.

Ending the Um’s

The more you focus on them, the worse they get. In this vlog, Dean reveals the cause of the ums, and how to stop them, while becoming a more impressive speaker in the process. For more information on presentation support, click here.

Are You Underutilizing Your Marketers?

If your firm is like most others, you are underutilizing your marketing professionals, and limiting the value that your firm gets from them. In today’s post, Pete shares his thoughts about how your firm can make the most of each of these crucial team members.

To learn more about this, check out our WIN-it program here.

The Business of Joy

If you are in professional services — Management Consulting, Architecture, Tax, Construction, Process Improvement, Engineering, Legal, Financial — you are in the “joy business.” I’m sure you never thought of this, but your love for your work (you know you have it) plays a profound role in your success. But few professional servants feel the joy they think about. In this vlog Dean explores the whys, and the hows, of the business of joy.

Click here for more about how you and your team can bring your best to your firm.

A Story to Believe

What do you do when you’re asked to speak about something that you don’t believe in? 

Many professionals have an allergy to this situation, and are sensitive to their presence “betraying” what they really feel when they’re in it. At SagePresence, we believe this sensitivity is a very good thing. And we believe there’s a way forward in virtually all situations like this.

In today’s post, Pete shares how to navigate questionable circumstances like this while retaining your positive, confident presence.

For more support like this, learn more here.

Be Image Conscious, Not Self Conscious

The stress of presenting, selling, and speaking in front of the group, can trigger self-consciousness that put your attention in the wrong place and round everything that you say downward. Image consciousness is better, as we all want to project a positive self but not be so worried. Here’s how.


Conventional wisdom about buzzwords is that they’re meaningless and overused, and that people should just stop using them. In today’s post, Pete brings a different and more empowering way to think about them, and a way to respond to them that can help everyone participating in the conversation.

Contact us here for more info about how we can help you and your team improve communication.

Dealing With Analysis Paralysis

It’s not uncommon for leaders to have difficulties making decisions. Sometimes the difficulty can be so extreme that they seem to suffer from “analysis paralysis” – they just can’t stop thinking about the possibilities, and so they just don’t make any decision at all. This makes life extremely difficult for the people whose jobs are all about supporting the decision-makers decisions.

If you’re one of those support people, Pete shares his thoughts about what you can do to help leaders get “un-stuck” long enough to make a decision.

And if you want more help with this, check out our support for leaders here.

Leadership In Loss

Western business culture makes the same mistake in two ways, neither celebrating wins, nor stopping to recognize loss. This vlog looks at pain that accompanies business loss, and how failures, setbacks, and hardships at work are often ignored. Here, Dean explains three simple actions that a leader can take to promote healing for a more effective team.

Learn more about how we support leaders here.