Check Your Baggage

No matter who you are in your firm or where you are in your career, your ability to work effectively with other people is profoundly valuable. In today’s post, Pete suggests that the single most important thing you can do to manage how you do that is to pay attention to baggage.

For info on your team can work even more effectively together, check out our BE-it program here.

Fitting In vs Belonging

There’s a little-known distinction between “fitting in and belonging” which can become an eye-opener on how we misspend our value across our careers and lives.

In this vlog, Dean shares his philosophy — along with two simple tips — to go from “failing to fit” to the deeper resolution of “truly belonging,” which promises to be a game changer for anyone stepping up to leadership or presentation.

For anyone looking to participate meaningfully in a team, click here.

Why Do We Hate Public Speaking?

So many of us actively hate to get in front of an audience to talk about anything. Why is that? And what can we do about it, especially when we’re in a situation where we have to do it? In this post, Pete shares his thoughts about the single most important thing you can do to end the hate, and embrace the opportunity.

Click here to learn more about how SagePresence can help your presentation confidence.

Why You Can’t Say “I’m Sorry You Were Offended”

When you unintentionally offend someone, your actions played a part in creating hurt feelings, no matter what you intended. But since you didn’t intend anything problematic, it can be hard to apologize. Nevertheless, you still can, and you will benefit from it. In today’s post, Pete offers up his own story as an experience we all can benefit from.

For info on how we can help you in all of your presentation and communication challenges, contact us here.

Compass vs Map – Navigating Approaches

Dean uncovers another useful distinction in the workplace: the contrasting styles of “Compass People” and “Map People.” Akin to the difference between concept-driven and detail-oriented individuals, this dichotomy can lead to clashes in how we pursue shared goals. In this post, Dean delves into the distinct approaches of Compass People and Map People in plotting their course and offers insights on how to navigate these differences for optimal collaboration and success.

Click here for more information on leadership support.


Self-love is neither cliché nor trite — it’s business. People wonder what they need to inspire, sell, and influence when the stakes are high. Dean believes that self-love is a key ingredient in successful presenting, and in loving your audience, even when they push back.

Click here to learn more about other ways we can help you with presenting.

Blame and Power

Words like blame and responsibility are getting slung around like weapons these days, which can make them challenging to discuss. Nevertheless, Pete takes them on in this post, sharing his thoughts about the most empowering way for you to think of them.

For more info about how this concept can increase the power of your presentations, check out our support page here.

What Is The Meaning Of Your Firm?

Your firm exists to make a difference, but not just to you, not just to your employees, and not just to your shareholders. The biggest difference your firm exists to make is to the world it serves. In today’s post, Pete encourages you to think in this bigger, better, more powerful way. 

For more about how we help leaders communicate their strategy, click here.

The Hero Compass

Your professional brand is often an elusive thing — it can be hard to put your finger on what qualities you bring to the equation when you succeed in meaningfully connecting with and helping others. In today’s post, Dean introduces a tool he calls the Hero Compass that can help you begin the process of identifying those Hero qualities in you.

For more information about how we build your professional presence and magnetism, contact us here.

What Apollo 11 Can Teach You About Presenting

Landing on the moon required two modes: auto-pilot, and manual. Believe it or not, your presence has these two modes as well. You’re most normal in auto-pilot mode, and when presenting pressure kicks in, it can be really hard to act like yourself. Dean looks at the Apollo 11 moon landing as a metaphor for how to be yourself under the pressure of presenting.

For more presentation support, click here.