Last Minute Help For Your Presentation

Sometimes you have a lot of time to prepare, sometimes you are in a pinch! Dean offers some ideas on what you can do when you’re in a pinch.

1-On-1 Conversations For BD Leaders

One of the jobs of a Business Development Leader is to be a coach for each team member you want to take part in BD. In today’s session, Pete explores how to have these 1-on-1 coaching conversations. 

How Thinkers Can Become Better Relaters – A Replay

We all have our communication tendencies and defaults that work for us in some way, but that cause problems for those who are trying to communicate with us. In today’s post, Pete shares a common default that Thinkers have that can cause problems for others — and offers a practice they can get into to avoid those problems in the future.

Balance Vs Centeredness – A Replay

Balance and centeredness can sound like the same thing, but there’s a meaningful difference. In today’s post, Dean shares how understanding the distinction can increase your ability to influence.

How BD Leaders Can Influence Senior Leadership

Some BD Leaders can be stuck between a rock and a hard place because they are responsible for the team’s BD results, but they don’t have the authority to institute everything they want to do to generate those results.

In today’s post, Pete shares his thoughts about how they can move forward despite this challenge.

We’re All In Sales, But Who Should Be Doing What?

“We’re all in sales, whether we know it or not” is a business truism. But when we get to make decisions about who in our firm should be taking what specific action around business development, how should we interpret that truism? In today’s post, Pete shares his thoughts.

Creating Patterns to Make Learning Stick

A lot of people invest in training that fades. Education and skill-building may put knowledge in your head, but it may not show up for you in the real world—unless you can build a pattern out of the new learning. Dean shares his thoughts around pattern-building to retain your learning. 

Cloaked Course Corrections in Communication – A Replay

Have you been in situations when someone steps on your words or communicates over your point? Your first instinct might be to let them know they interrupted and then finish your thought. However, there might be another way. In today’s vlog replay, Dean offers his approach to communication oversteps.

Integrating Brand, Strategy, BD, Sales, and Experience

Five things need to synchronize in order for a truly orchestrated company. Dean talks about how brand, strategy, business development and sales integrate to create a customer experience — when they’re not “silo’ed.”

True Leaders Don’t Need to Keep You Down

Some people make a habit of pointing out your mistakes, flaws, and overdue assignments, keeping you on the defensive through a steady stream of negative implications. Dean Hyers shares why true leaders don’t do that, and how to deal with those who do.