Hi-Speed Growth For Introverts

One of the worst pieces of news an introvert can get is that they have to participate in a presentation or an interview to win work. They’d be happy to do the work, but the anxiety around presentation is so high, they do their best to avoid thinking about it. Then all of a sudden, they find themselves being forced to practice in front of their peers, and they’re miserable.

In today’s post, Pete shares a few things that introverts can do independently to avoid that misery and take the first step toward presentation confidence.

For further steps towards confidence, check out our support services here.

Now is Not the Time to Hold Back

Today’s AEC firms are grappling with slowdown in new projects to bid on, and facing difficult decisions. In our latest vlog, Dean explores the importance of investing in success, and going the extra mile to secure the vital, fewer projects you get a chance to interview for.

Click here to discover how elevating your interview preparation can help you articulate your value, and present a head above the competition.

Business Development in a Downturn

When sales slow down, it’s easy to start worrying and lose confidence. Which is a problem, because confidence is what you need to win more work. In today’s post, Pete shares his thoughts about what you and every member of your team can do to sustain your confidence and create the future you want.

Click here to explore how we can help you create the future you want.

Comfort is Your Enemy

When you associate presenting with stress and anxiety, it’s easy to think that being as comfortable as possible is the right goal. But all too often, too much comfort actually creates a bigger problem. In this post, Pete explores the sweet spot between stress and comfort.

For info about how we can help your team find that sweet spot when they need it most, check out our Shortlist Interview Support here.

Bringing In An Outsider

What’s the value of bringing an outsider in to help your team get ready for an interview? There’s a lot, actually. In today’s post, Pete recounts the ways it’s such a good idea.

For a conversation about how we can help with your interview, contact us here.

Where Does Presence Affect Your Firm?

In professional service firms, people are your biggest variable. What they’re like, and how they act, affects landing work, growing relationships, brand consistency in the client experience, and leadership’s ability to align teams to strategy. They say all ships rise with the tide, and Dean thinks of ‘presence’ as the water that rises to elevate your firm, talking here about how to think holistically about elevating the human factors of presence for greater success.

To learn more about increasing your team’s presence to land more work, check out our Grow-it page.

The Purpose of Purposelessness

We’re all looking for purpose, but that can be hard to find. Sometimes we think we’d only found it if it becomes our job or career. Some people find purpose in other aspects of their life. Dean shares how purposefulness and purposelessness fit together in a way they can let you fire at your highest level of value, every single day, no matter what you’re doing.

If you’re interested in hosting a presentation about purpose or presence (or anything related to presence), check out our speaking page here.

Turn Your Presentation Into a Conversation

When you’re competing to win a project, you don’t always have the option to take the formality down a notch and just have a conversation with the decision-makers, but the opportunity is often more available than you think it is. When the circumstances are right, it’s a fantastic approach that we highly recommend. But not everybody knows how to make it happen. In this video, Pete shares our secret for getting your audience to speak up early, and to turn your presentation into a conversation.

For more on how SagePresence can help you and your team increase your chances of winning your next project, check out our support services here.

When You’re Pursuing a Big Project

Here it is – the biggest project you’ve ever pursued. It can feel daunting. You know you have to pull your A-Team together, and you have to get everything right. Everybody’s watching you, and it’s hard not to get freaked out by it. In today’s post, Pete shares the single most important thing you can do to escape that trap.

For more help with your big pursuits, check out our support services here.

Do You Overshare?

Have you ever had the experience of speaking up and instantly regretting it? As an intuitive communicator who leads with his emotions, Dean has plenty of experience in this arena. In today’s post, he shares his take on three simple and useful questions to consider before you share.

To learn more about when to speak up and when to hold back, check out our presentation support page here.